Counterbalance Analytics

Case study of the Regional Partnerships Programme in Wellington

A detailed case study of the Regional Partnerships Programme’s activity in the Wellington region was completed, contributing to the Ministry of Economic Development’s evaluation of the scheme. This was the first case study to be completed for the evaluation and was used by the Ministry as an example to guide the case studies in other regions.

Year: 2008

For the Ministry of Economic Development.

Counterbalance developed the case study by:

  • reviewing Regional Partnership Programme (RPP) administrative documents
  • organising and conducting face-to-face interviews with key individuals involved in the RPP-funded projects. These projects included the Wellington Regional Strategy, The Greater Wellington Industry Development Centre, and the public-private partnership (with the screen industry) that built the Camperdown Studios sound stage
  • analysing and reporting on the findings, clearly describing the key events, and focusing on the additionality of the RPP funding.