Standards of evidence are rating scales against which evidence for the effectiveness of social interventions can be assessed. International best practice in the development and use of such standards was reviewed and an evidence rating scale for New Zealand was developed. The rating scale was used to assess the evidence supporting social investment budget bids in 2018.
Year: 2016
For Superu
Two publications were produced.
- In Focus: Standards of evidence for understanding what works: International experiences and prospects for Aotearoa New Zealand describes international and New Zealand standards of evidence and makes recommends for a New Zealand standard of evidence.
- An Evidence Rating Scale for New Zealand: Understanding the effectiveness of interventions in the social sector provides a standard for assessing the evidence for effectiveness of social sector policies, programmes, and services. It guides the grading of social interventions by their strength of evidence and suitability for scale-up or implementation in new locations. It uses best practice, encompasses a broad range of evidence types, and accommodates a New Zealand perspective.