Set up and ran data collection, analysis and reporting functions for KnowYourStuffNZ: a grass-roots community organisation that provides drug-related harm reduction services across Aotearoa. Established and led KnowYourStuffNZ’s data team from 2020 to 2022.
The data team’s work has enabled quality assurance, continuous improvement, and accountability. It has also been a crucial contributor to KnowYourStuff’s success in advocating for legislative change, funding, and expansion of drug checking services across the country.
Years: 2016-2022
This work was voluntary from 2016 to late 2021 and contracted thereafter. It involved:
- working with KnowYourStuffNZ directors and other stakeholders to determine data collection and analysis priorities
- developing standard templates and efficient processes for data entry
- developing and deploying an anonymous client survey
- developing a reproducible and efficient data collation, cleaning and reporting pipeline, using R and Git, enabling KnowYourStuffNZ to fulfill its multiple reporting requirements with minimal effort
- publishing the findings and working with communications and advocacy personnel to help them make the best use of the results.
- onboarding, training, and managing data team members.