Measuring equity of access to accident compensation

While New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Scheme provides comprehensive no-fault injury compensation, there is evidence for disparities in access: some groups of people are less likely to lodge a claim for compensation when they’re injured. Measuring this disparity is challenging due to a dearth of data and the many factors that influence claim rates.

I provided advice on how to measure equity of access followed by analysis of IDI-based data to demonstrate the recommended approach. This is supporting ACC to take action to reduce disparities and meet its legislated equity reporting requirements.

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IDI-based research on the health effects of damp, cold homes

Analysed the associations between damp, cold homes and the health of occupants using nationally representative survey datasets and linked data in the Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). This work used propensity score matching to estimate health effects while controlling for other factors, such as poverty, which can complicate such analysis.

Year: 2022

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Modelled Territorial Authority GDP estimates

Data analysis and modelling to create MBIE’s 2020 and 2021 modelled territorial authority GDP estimates, followed by reporting on the key insights for local economies.

Years: 2020-2021

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Establishment of data systems and data team leadership for KnowYourStuffNZ

Set up and ran data collection, analysis and reporting functions for KnowYourStuffNZ: a grass-roots community organisation that provides drug-related harm reduction services across Aotearoa. Established and led KnowYourStuffNZ’s data team from 2020 to 2022.

The data team’s work has enabled quality assurance, continuous improvement, and accountability. It has also been a crucial contributor to KnowYourStuff’s success in advocating for legislative change, funding, and expansion of drug checking services across the country.

Years: 2016-2022

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Analysis of international tertiary students’ migration and employment outcomes

Analysed data on the post-study migration and employment outcomes of international tertiary students and reported the findings. The report was used to improve the government’s understanding of international student outcomes and to evaluate and improve immigration policy.

Year: 2017

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A New Zealand research agenda for digital inclusion

Developed a research agenda that sets out digital inclusion research priorities, key research questions, and suggested research projects. The research agenda will help the Department of Internal Affairs to support and build a strong body of New Zealand digital inclusion research.

Year: 2019

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Guidance on evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives

Developed guidance for government on how to create incentives for and support evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives. The guidance is accompanied by a set of case studies of good examples of evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives. These reports are being used by the Department of Internal Affairs to promote better and more consistent evaluation of digital inclusion, across the system.

Year: 2018

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Evaluation framework for the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act

Developed a framework to guide the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act and its implementation via the Healthy Homes Standards, information and education campaigns, and enforcement of compliance. 

Year: 2018

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Evaluation framework for the labour market migration policy changes

Developed a framework to guide the evaluation of the effectiveness of the 2017 changes to the Essential Skills Work visas and Skilled Migrant Category Residence visas. The framework specified a mixed method evaluation making use of information gathered from diverse sources over three years. The evaluation will ascertain the extent to which the policy changes achieved their goals and avoided unintended negative consequences.

Year: 2017

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Guidance on evaluating machinery of government changes

Developed guidance on how to evaluate machinery of government changes. This work formed the basis of the State Services Commission’s guidance on evaluating system architecture and design changes.

Year: 2017

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