Guidance on evaluation and critical appraisal of evidence

Produced guidance on evaluation and the critical appraisal of research and evaluation evidence, tailored for policy, funding agency, and NGO (non-government organisation) staff. Superu used these resources in their work on lifting the standards of research and evaluation in the New Zealand social sector.

Year: 2015

For Superu

After a review of social sector needs and existing guidance, four resources were produced. Each provides summary guidance and links to high quality online resources on the topic.

  • Guidance on evaluation planning for funding applicants describes the key steps in evaluation planning that agencies should undertake when applying for funding for a new social programme.
  • Guidance on evaluation for funders describes how to approach evaluation in a way that is mutually beneficial for funders and NGOs, how to apply  co-design principles to evaluation, and where to find straightforward guidance on how to evaluate.
  • Guidance on critical appraisal of research and evaluation evidence describes how to assess the quality of evidence and where to find reliable sources of evidence.
  • Compendium of resources on evaluation and critical appraisal summarises and links to all of the high quality resources that were identified during this project.


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