Review of the effects of child care costs on parental employment

Reviewed econometric literature on the effects of child care costs on parental employment. The review helped the Ministry of Women’s Affairs to provide robust advice on the effects of more tightly targetting  subsidies for Early Childhood Education.

Year: 2012

For the Ministry of Women’s Affairs

This work involved the following activities.

  • Sourcing international peer reviewed papers.
  • Assessing the relevance and credibility of the papers.
  • Developing one to two page plain-English summaries of the 9 most relevant and credible papers and briefer summaries of another 15 papers.
  • A brief assessment of the factors in New Zealand that are likely to influence parental employment responses to changes in Early Childhood Education costs.
  • Development of a plain-English summary of the conclusions and common themes emerging from the literature.

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